84 research outputs found


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    The location of trehalase in isolated ascospores from Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been investigated by a cytochemical method based on the formation by eugenol of insoluble complexes that are produced extracellularly during a reaction coupled to the trehalase activity. Most of the enzyme activity present in cell extracts is linked to the ascospore cell wall. A partial solubilization of the particulate trehalase was achieved by controlled treatment of isolated cell walls with the lytic system novozym. The elution pattern obtaiiled by molecular filtration of the enzyme solubilized from the walls shows a broad molecular heterogeneity suggesting a possible glycoprotein nature of the enzyme. Assays for activation and analysis of kinetic properties revealed that this activity is due to a trehalase of the so-called nonregulatory type.Se ha investigado la localización de la trehalasa en ascosporas aisladas de Schizosaccharomyces pombe mediante un método citoquímico basado en la formación de complejos insolubles de eugenol, producidos extracelularmente en una reacción acoplada a la actividad trehalasa. La mayor parte de la actividad enzimática detectable en extractos celulares está unida a la pared celular de las ascosporas. Por tratamiento controlado de paredes celulares con el sistema Iítico iiovoenzima es posible lograr una solubilización parcial de la trehalasa particulada. El perfil de elución obtenido por filtración molecular del enzima solubilizado de paredes indica una amplia heterogeneidad molecular, lo que sugiere una posible naturaleza glicoproteica del enzima. Los ensayos de activación y el análisis de propiedades cinéticas revelan que esta actividad se debe a una trehalasa de las pertenecientes al tipo no regulador

    Use of Virtual Reality and Videogames in the Physiotherapy Treatment of Stroke Patients: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    © 2023 by the authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. To access the final edited and published work see https:// doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20064747 AA stroke is a neurological condition with a high impact in terms of physical disability in the adult population, requiring specific and effective rehabilitative approaches. Virtual reality (VR), a technological approach in constant evolution, has great applicability in many fields of rehabilitation, including strokes. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of a traditional neurological physiotherapy-based approach combined with the implementation of a specific VR-based program in the treatment of patients following rehabilitation after a stroke. Participants (n = 24) diagnosed with a stroke in the last six months were randomly allocated into a control group (n = 12) and an experimental group (n = 12). Both groups received one-hour sessions of neurological physiotherapy over 6 weeks, whilst the experimental group was, in addition, supplemented with VR. Patients were assessed through the Daniels and Worthingham Scale, Modified Ashworth Scale, Motor Index, Trunk Control Test, Tinetti Balance Scale, Berg Balance Scale and the Functional Ambulation Classification of the Hospital of Sagunto. Statistically significant improvements were obtained in the experimental group with respect to the control group on the Motricity Index (p = 0.005), Trunk Control Test (p = 0.008), Tinetti Balance Scale (p = 0.004), Berg Balance Scale (p = 0.007) and the Functional Ambulation Classification of the Hospital of Sagunto (p = 0.038). The use of VR in addition to the traditional physiotherapy approach is a useful strategy in the treatment of strokes


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    lnformation on marine yeasts and their significance in polluted waters is scarce. In this paper we report the results of isolations of yeasts and molds found in marine waters from the Mar Menor (Southeastern Spain) and the mouth of the Segura river. Compositional modifications of various culture media and a critica1 evaluation of the results obtained are also presented. Mold colonies are significantly reduced in the modified media so that direct yeast counting becomes improved. Yeast counts, including red species, have been significantly higher in sediments as compared to free waters. Candida albicans was detected in relatively high numbers in the most polluted sites. The survival ability in natural waters of two yeasts, C. utilis and C. albicans was investigated. The results show that both yeasts present a high death rate in marine and brackish waters. only 1-0'01% remaining viable after 25 days in sea water.Como parte de un trabajo más amplio sobre contaminación microbiana en áreas marinas, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de aislamiento y recuento de levaduras en diversos puntos del Mar Menor y desembocadura del río Segura. El estudio ha abarcado, entre otros aspectos, la puesta a punto de medios de cultivo adecuados para el aislamiento directo de levaduras sin interferencia por contaminación bacteriana o crecimiento de hongos filamentosos. En los muestreos de las zonas indicadas se ha analizado la variación topográfica y estaciona1 de las poblaciones de levaduras. Los resultados destacan el aislamiento de Candida albicans en varios puntos de muestre0 y una mayor abundancia relativa de levaduras no patógenas en sedimentos en relación a los niveles detectados en aguas libres. Por otra parte se han realizado estudios de laboratorio sobre supervivencia simulando las condiciones del medio marino y determinando la influencia de algunos factores fisioquímicos en el crecimiento y viabilidad de las levaduras. En este sentido, se ha utilizado C. utilis como modelo representativo de levadura saprofítica y C. albicans como modelo de levadura potencialmente patógena. Los resultados obtenidos revelan una escasa viabilidad de ambos tipos de levaduras cuando se someten a condiciones análogas a las existentes en el medio marino

    Inverse Classification for Comparison-based Interpretability in Machine Learning

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    In the context of post-hoc interpretability, this paper addresses the task of explaining the prediction of a classifier, considering the case where no information is available, neither on the classifier itself, nor on the processed data (neither the training nor the test data). It proposes an instance-based approach whose principle consists in determining the minimal changes needed to alter a prediction: given a data point whose classification must be explained, the proposed method consists in identifying a close neighbour classified differently, where the closeness definition integrates a sparsity constraint. This principle is implemented using observation generation in the Growing Spheres algorithm. Experimental results on two datasets illustrate the relevance of the proposed approach that can be used to gain knowledge about the classifier.Comment: preprin


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    Vegetative ceUs of Schizosaccharomyces pombe lack trehaiase activity but the enzyme activity is present at the ascospore stage and later disappears during germination. Cells of a yeast strain unable to sporulate are devoid of trehalase throughout the entire life cycle. The ascospore enzyme is not released to the culture medium and shows the properties of a nonregulatory trehaiase with acidic optimum pH and Km = 10'9x10-'M. On the basis of itsinvivo sensitivity to mild acid treatments and of its behaviour duringfractionation at low speed centrifugation of whole ascospore extracts, the enzyme appears to be externally located on the cells and covalently bound to the cell wall structure. In sifu inactivation of the trehalase enzyme partially blocks the initial morphological changes of germination. Germination of trehalase-less ascospores is further delayed when resynthesis of the enzyme is prevented by addition of cycloheximide. The results suggest that the trehalase enzyme plays a critica1 role in the early events of germination by mobilizing the endogenous trehalose stored in ascospores so that the process can take place even in the absence of externa1 carbon sources directly available provided other nutrients be present. Thus. the trehalose-trehalase system might represent in this yeast a significant mechanism that would allow to initiate germination under conditions in which the energy and carbon supplies in the surrounding medium are poor for the ascospores but could be used for the resulting vegetative cells.Las células vegetativas de Schizosaccharomycespombe carecen de actividad trehalasapero esta actividad está presente en las ascosporas y desaparece de nuevo durante la germinación. Una cepa incapaz de esporular carece de enzima a lo largo de todo el ciclo vital de la levadura. La enzima de las ascosporas no se libera al medio de cultivo y tiene las propiedades de una trehalasa no reguladora con pH óptimo 5'6 y Km = 10'9x 10- 'M. Por su inactivación in vivo mediante tratamiento de ascosporas con ácidos diluidos y su comportamiento en centnfugación de extractos celulares a baja velocidad, la enzima parece localizada en el exterior de la célula unida covalentemente a la pared celular. La inactivación insifu de la trehalasa bloquea los cambios morfológicos iniciales que acompanan la germinación. La etapa inicial de la germinación de ascosporas con trehalasa inactivada se retrasa aún más cuando se impide la resíntesis de enzima por adición de cicloheximida. Los resultados sugieren que esta enzima desempeña un papel importante en el primer paso de la germinación, movilizando la trehalosa endógena acumulada en ascosporas y permitiendo el inicio de la germinación en ausencia de fuentes carbonadas exógenas utilizables, siempre que se presenten otros nutrientes esenciales. El sistema trehalosa-trehalasa puede por tanto representar en esta levadura un mecanismo que hace posible la germinación en condiciones que suponen una limitación nutricional para las ascosporas pero no para las células vegetativas resultantes de la germinación

    Carga microbiológica del aire interior en una universidad española (Universidad de Murcia, España)

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    The control of indoor air is related to the guarantee of quality for in- ternal environments. The air of representative areas within the Fac- ulty of Biology of the University of Murcia (Spain) was analyzed to determine the level of microbial types most frequently found in suspension. Samples were collected by an impaction method and viable counts (bacteria and fungi) determined both in absence or presence of human activities to evaluate the human contribution to the microbial contamination. Also, a comparison between indoor and outdoor microbial population densities showed that the bacterial concentration was higher inside than in the outside. Most bacteria identified were gram-positive cocci belonging to Micrococcus, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species, whereas Cladosporium was the predominant genus isolated among fungi. The microbi- al concentration of indoor air was within a range which indicates a low-intermediate level of contamination according to the guidelines established in 1993 by the European Community Commission.El control del aire es parte de la garantía de calidad de ambientes interiores. Se ha realizado un análisis microbiológico del aire en zonas de la Facultad de Biología de la Universidad de Murcia (España) determinando niveles y tipos de microorganismos en suspensión. Las muestras se recogieron por un método de impacto, analizando viables (bacterias y hongos) en presencia o ausencia de personal para valorar la contaminación que introduce la actividad humana. Además, la comparación de la densidad microbiana del interior con la del aire exterior indicó una concentración bacteriana más elevada en el interior. La mayoría de bacterias identificadas fueron cocos gram-positivos de los géneros Micrococcus, Staphylococcus y Streptococcus. Entre los hongos, el aislado más frecuente fue Cladosporium. Los resultados revelan una concentración microbiana aérea que corresponde a un nivel de contaminación bajo-intermedio según las pautas establecidas por la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas en 1993

    Facial transplantation: a concise update

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    Objectives: Update on clinical results obtained by the first worldwide facial transplantation teams as well as review of the literature concerning the main surgical, immunological, ethical, and follow-up aspects described on facial transplanted patients. Study design: MEDLINE search of articles published on "face transplantation" until March 2012. Results: Eighteen clinical cases were studied. The mean patient age was 37.5 years, with a higher prevalence of men. Main surgical indication was gunshot injuries (6 patients). All patients had previously undergone multiple conventional surgical reconstructive procedures which had failed. Altogether 8 transplant teams belonging to 4 countries participated. Thirteen partial face transplantations and 5 full face transplantations have been performed. Allografts are varied according to face anatomical components and the amount of skin, muscle, bone, and other tissues included, though all were grafted successfully and remained viable without significant postoperative surgical complications. The patient with the longest follow-up was 5 years. Two patients died 2 and 27 months after transplantation. Conclusions: Clinical experience has demonstrated the feasibility of facial transplantation as a valuable reconstructive option, but it still remains considered as an experimental procedure with unresolved issues to settle down. Results show that from a clinical, technical, and immunological standpoint, facial transplantation has achieved functional, aesthetic, and social rehabilitation in severely facial disfigured patients

    Adaptation of extremely halotolerant black yeast Hortaea werneckii to increased osmolarity: a molecular perspective at a glance

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    Halophilic adaptations have been studied almost exclusively on prokaryotic microorganisms. Discovery of the black yeast Hortaea werneckii as the dominant fungal species in hypersaline waters enabled the introduction of a new model organism to study the mechanisms of salt tolerance in eukaryotes. Its strategies of cellular osmotic adaptations on the physiological and molecular level revealed novel, intricate mechanisms to combat fluctuating salinity. H. werneckii is an extremely halotolerant eukaryotic microorganism and thus a promising source of transgenes for osmotolerance improvement of industrially important yeasts, as well as in crops